Saturday, February 20, 2021

Title Research: To Kill a Mockingbird

Found on Art of the Title

 What titles are displayed during the opening sequence?

During the opening sequence of to Kill a Mockingbird, the first title we see displayed is the credit for Gregory Peck. This is logical considering he was a very famous actor at the time, and establishing that he was a big part of the movie early on may have made audiences keener to watch the film. After Peck's initial credit, the film's title is shown, as it appears under a scribbling crayon. After the film's title is shown the credits for the various other actors in the film are shown. After the actors' credits, we see the credits for the production team such as the producer, costume designer, director of photography, etc.. With the final credit going to the director. 

What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?

In the opening sequence, we see various toys and other child-like objects. We are also shown a child's scribble and a crude crayon drawing of a bird as the titles go by.  The odd one out in the imagery is a singular pocket watch.

What connotations do these images carry?

The connotations of the childlike objects connect with the film's themes of innocence and childhood. The drawing of the bird connects with the film's title. The pocket watch is the one adult piece of imagery and connotes responsibility and dignification. The watch likely represents Atticus Finch, who is the father of the main character and is the vehicle for many of the themes of the film.

How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset?

The soft music against the humming creates an atmosphere of peace, where something is still amiss, which fits the story very well. The scribbling of the child is charming, but is also slightly melancholy, as we see her draw harsh lines and rip her drawing of the mockingbird in half. 

What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?

The film is aimed at a general audience, which means that shots should be pleasing, make sense, and be relatively simple to follow. To Kill A Mockingbird's intro succeeds in this by keeping the opening simple, but interesting. 

How has technology been used effectively? You want to consider camera angles, transitions and editing techniques.

The title sequence is mostly comprised of extreme close-ups, allowing the audience to see all the details of the various objects and drawings. The camera also pans across many of these objects, which not only makes it even easier for the audience to see the object in full, it also gives the opening a feeling of motion, making it more interesting to watch. Another way this opening helps appeal to its audience is through its use of dissolves. By dissolving from one image to another, rather than simply cutting away,  the intro is able to make its intro far calmer than it may have otherwise been, allowing the audience to absorb the tone of a large portion of the film. 

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