Monday, November 30, 2020

Filming Blog for Music Video

 Over the course of my Thanksgiving break I did not film nearly as much as I wanted to. But I did manage to acquire a few skills and one crucial piece of technology that will help me during this project. One of the main reasons or my delay in filming is that my actor was unable to join me for filming. I am spending my break in South Carolina and he is really my only friend who lives here so that really threw a wrench into my plans. Fortunately I was prepared to be the main actor in the music video. Unfortunately, I am not a man, nor do I really look like one. So I did the best I could and did some research into drag king make-up in order to look more masculine. I stayed away from fake facial hair out of worry that it would be too silly, but I learned how to contour my face with make-up to look more masculine. It is far from perfect, my lines are harsh and all of the bronzer and brown eyeshadow in the world can’t make my jaw any sharper. I borrowed my dad’s shirt from his three piece suit for my costume, and while it is noticeably very big on me, some tucking and a hair tie can make that less apparent. 

The most important thing I did over the break was purchase a tripod. It was on sale during black friday and considering the fact that I was going to be doing this project alone, it felt wise to buy one. It was an amazing purchase. I can position it at different heights and the top-part tips in different angles, which is going to make a lot of shots in the process a lot easier. The legs also fold up into a selfie stick, which I can use for tracking shots and tilts. My favorite part is that the Tripod came with a bluetooth remote, so after connecting it to my phone I could easily start recording from any location. I know I sound like an advertisement, but I am genuinely  happy with what I bought and I think it will make this project and future projects easier. 

I did a little bit of filming the morning of November 30th. I filmed all of the scenes with the guitar (except or the extreme close-up) and the piano. The piano scenes were far more difficult to film. The first shot required an awkward camera position and angle than I had anticipated during my planning stage, The garage is a lot smaller than I remembered and the table is much lower than anticipated. This also required me to move around some pieces of the set like the guitar and keyboard from where they were planned to be placed. The other shot with the keyboard was like a fight against physics, which in hindsight was probably unwise, but nevertheless it ended up working. My keyboard is set at an angle and I placed the tripod on that angle. On several different takes it fell over in the middle of filming, but I did not have another surface high enough to place it on. I was eventually able to get a take with a stable shot. I may refilm a few of these shots tomorrow or wednesday, but for now all I have left to film is the extreme close-up, the singer shots and the outdoor shots. 

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