Sunday, February 14, 2021

Starting The Final Task

 It’s been a while since I’ve talked about myself, and as my final task has a lot of elements that are very personal to me, I figured it would be appropriate to re-introduce myself. I’m Foster, I am 15 years old and I have learned a lot of new information in AICE Media Studies this year that I intend to put to good use. My favorite part of the filmmaking process is either editing or storyboarding. Some of my interests include theatre, crocheting, makeup, history and animal rights. I have yet to learn to sew, but I have acquired more historical clothing items since my first intro blog. My favorite movie is still The Sound of Music but my favorite show is now WandaVison. I am openly queer and am deeply invested in well-intentioned and well written LGBTQ+ representation.


Perhaps it is because I am so excited and invested that I have chosen to work alone. I already have a very specific vision for my project, and while I will relent to practicality or time if need be, I may have a hard time changing my plan for another group member. Additionally, I work a part-time job 3-4 days a week and thus making plans can be difficult. It will be much easier for me to do the majority of my project on my own time and on my own terms (accounting for due dates and the like). I also do not know many of my classmates all that well, and while it would be wonderful to get to know some of them, I do not think a task as important as this is the appropriate time to make new friends. I do not actively dislike the idea of working in a group, which may be surprising considering I have only worked alone this year. I think a lighter workload would be useful and having a few extra hands when filming would be very nice. However, I can handle whatever work may need to be done on my own through time management, perseverance, and the tripod I gushed about in previous blogs. Working with other people would also mean trusting them to turn everything in on time. Considering how quarantine has affected many people's mental health, that may be difficult for some people. Working by myself means that I will not have to deal with anyone's issues but my own. Every blog and storyboard and edit for this project will be done by me.


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Creative Critical Reflection (Final Task)

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